So I'm definitely doing THIS tomorrow for the office gals! Actually I'm selecting those I want to BOSS for one! She will be so mad..and that will make me laugh laugh laugh! LOL!
That whole making my boss mad thing...for another's a BEAST story so I'll refrain for the moment.
I am excited about our halloween festivities this year. I said HALLOWEEN! I'm a Christian, a God loving, serving, devoted woman of God and I said HALLOWEEN! EEEK! I have NO conviction whatsoever that I'm committing some awful sin either! Sorry...ya'll! I grew up in church AND grew up participating in Halloween festivities. The word Halloween actually originates from a Catholic observance of All Saints Day, a day of prayer for the saints and martyr's of the church. If you WANT to dig up a bunch of evil stuff..I'm pretty sure you could do that any where, any time. I'm not interested in that so we celebrate the FUN of the holiday.
This year, little poodle is going as Snow White. This was a long drawn out decision. First she was going to be "water"...yep...good luck with that one. Then she was going to be...i can't even mist or foam or something. It was highly creative and imaginative but I steered her quickly away from that. THEN...some person in a store asked her if she was going to be a WITCH! REALLY? So..guess what she was going to be next...yep...a witch! WHICH...let me pause and tell child of mine will ever dress scary so she was going to be like Glenda or Bette Midler in that Halloween movie that one time! BUT...she suddenly wasn't in to the witch thing so...okay...she decided definitely on a princess, no a ladybug, a fairy, bob the builder?, Dorothy from Oz, then back to princess. So my friend from work gave me a BAG full of Disney princess costumes! SCORE!! So she has decided on Snow White which I'm so happy about. I got her hair cut the other day and it's so cute and snow whitey style. So a red hair bow and some cute little flats and we're ready to go! We are going to a harvest festival at the church I grew up in! SHBC! So excited to go back there and so excited my mom is here to go with us!
Well Happy Tricky Treat Eve Tuesday Ya'll! Oh! I was a rock star last night in the kitchen...I made a roasted chicken, baked rigatoni with homemade sauce and meatballs AND 2 loaves of the yummiest banana bread(go to my pinterest button and see that one!) Woot! Tonight...creamy chicken enchilada's! Mmm.....
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